Ending LP and losing some fluff

Hi Jordan, hope you’re well

I’ve been running SSLP since March, and despite a couple of resets, I’ve had some pleasing results (Male, 37yrs, 206lbs, 5ft10):

Squat: 60kg to 150kg
Deadlift: 80kg to 165kg
Press: 33kg to 58.5kg
Bench: 40kg to 78.5kg

My bodyweight has gone from 81kg (179lbs) at the start to 93kg (206lbs) now, and my waist is just under 40in measured around the navel.

I feel like I’m near the end of my LP. I’ve had to switch to 5 sets of 3 for the press and I have a light day for squats. I’ve had a few instances where I’ve missed reps during one session, but made all the reps the next session. Adding weight to the bar now feels very taxing.

So, I’m looking at intermediate programmes and am of course considering the Bridge, or Bridge 2.0. I’m getting a little concerned about body fat though, as despite adding a good chunk of muscle, I do look noticeably chubbier than I used to, particularly around the waist. My questions are, when switching to intermediate programming:

  1. Can I expect my body fat to reduce while following a programme like the Bridge, while eating the same as I was during my LP?
  2. Or, should I reduce my food intake when on the Bridge, compared to when on LP, to help with fat loss? Will my training be significantly compromised as an intermediate if I reduce my food intake like this?

My daily food intake is approx. 3000 calories. 180g protein, 215g carbs and 110g fat.

Many thanks for your help.

Hey Cambrian,

Thanks for the post. My replies:

  1. Yes you can reduce BF while following one of these programs or another one that is intelligently programmed. Lack of volume, inappropriate intensity, and faulty progression are the biggest traps within intermediate programming. Don’t succumb to them

  2. You will have to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight regardless of what you do. I do not think your training will be significantly compromised.

  3. Bonus: Immediately take 40g fat off your macros and add 90g carbs and see what happens.

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for your reply! That’s good news that I can make training progress as an intermediate while losing some of my belly blubber.

And thanks for your bonus advice, I’ll give that a go and see what happens. Dropping 40g fat should be fairly straightforward as I’m currently eating quite a lot of full fat yogurt and mayo (amongst other things), so I’ll cut that down and increase my carbs as you suggest.

Can I just say thanks to you, Austin and Leah for providing this resource. It’s fantastic to have people with a genuine expertise to turn to for advice!


Hey, thanks a lot Cambrian :slight_smile:

Losing bodyfat =/= losing weight.

Gaining strength =/= gaining muscle.

I’m not sure what you’re asking me really.

Because you can get stronger without gaining muscle.

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Why? I was always under the impression that if your calories and protein(seasonably high) intake are the same, low-fat or low-carb diets makes no practical difference on body composition

This is an added calorie restriction I suggested and most people underestimate their fat intake and this grows as the fat macro recommendation gets higher.