Time to lose the fluff?

As far as I understand it, your professional viewpoint is that a non-obese intermediate can get stronger but cannot gain muscle while maintaining or losing weight. Correct?

The reason I ask is I have just come off novice LP and started the bridge. I am a bit at a loss on where to head nutritionally and have just maintained the last 2 weeks because of this.

Height: 6ft
Weight: 207
Waist: 38-38.5
BF%: During the LP, at 197lb I was at 25% according to DEXA
1RM as tested last week: SQ 340 , DL 425 , BP 280 , PR 175

I thought that I would want to start weight loss as soon as I transition from the LP. But I find that I still feel “weak” and not where I should be at muscle wise before “wasting” training time dieting. I’m lifting for the purpose of strength, but it’s definitely nice to finally look like I’ve lifted a barbel in my life. Losing 20LB will probably take that away but on the other hand I won’t be so fluffy in the midsection.

What would your recommendation be for someone in this situation? Sacrifice progress to cut 20lb of midsection fluff, maintain weight and jus get stronger, or start adding 0.5-1lb a week again to pack on a solid base while the gains are “easy”.

Pretty much, yes. I would maintain weight at present and train a bunch more. That’s what I’d do.

Forgive my continued ignorance. But what would be the end goal then? If I’m maintaining weight, that means that I might be getting stronger, but I’m not actually packing on more muscle or losing fat. Which means I’ll continually stay in the same fluffy body even though I am stronger.

Or am I viewing the whole “can’t gain muscle without gaining weight” thing as too black and white?

The end goal is to become more trained. I’m not sure why we tested 1RM’s, but those give me the impression there is more training development to be had. You’ll likely see some muscle gain, waist decrease, and reduction in body fat- albeit less than if you pursued bulking or cutting singularly.

Got it. Basically I was looking at it too black and white. You can gain muscle while maintaining as you get more trained. It will just be slower than if you were to bulk. I have been trying to apply your protein meal timing advice while maintaining to maximize MPS firing.

My novice LP culminated to a grinding halt as everything stalled within 2 weeks. I think 2 weeks in a row fails on DL might have been part of why. Did 370x5 one week and the next week 375 I barely did 2 reps for 2 DL workouts in a row. They wiped me out. My SSC (I see Robert Santana 1x a month or so to upkeep form) said it was probably a sign of being time to switch to intermediate programming. Regardless, my lower back and legs were pretty achy so I decided to do a light week (~20% less intensity) before starting The Bridge. By the end of the week I felt alot better so I tested my 1rm’s. It was probably mostly for ego reasons, but I thought it might help see my starting point before intermediate.

Everything on the bridge this week felt great other than my low back stil beingl a little sensitive. Today was deadlifts (3rd day) and I tweaked my lower back pretty bad on the last set. I coudln’t finish the set. Hurts alot when putting my lower back in extension or stepping on my left foot. This was the first time I hurt my back since I started following SS and fixed my form. With a little determination, I was still able to finish Benching and 303 Squats though. Hopefully it will go away by Tuesday. I’m hoping that the 4 added sets of DL/Rack Pulls next week won’t completely trash it.


Thank you for the advice.

I had one more question,

You are constantly getting stronger but It sounds like you have been in the 198 LB weight class for a long time, correct? So are you constantly cycling between small bulks and cuts throughout the year or do you primarily try to stay at about the same weight? (Give or take 5lb)

My improvements in strength are very slow, but yes I gain weight for periods of time, then maintain for awhile, then cut a little bit (less often).