When the topic of weight loss has come up during your Q & A’s I have watched on YouTube I have heard it said that you cannot gain muscle while losing weight,but it is possible to gain strength while losing weight.
So my questions is it best to lose weight while running strength focused templates opposed to Hypertrophy templates in order to retain as much strength as possible? Then,if hypertrophy is your goal run a program with that focus compared to the other way around?
I am in week 8 of the Bridge 3.0 with great success,but need to shed around 20lbs+ and reduce my waist 2-3 inches. Enjoying the gains but would like to maintain or improve my ascetics at some point.
*The Bridge 3.0 has produced the best results for me.At the age of 54 it did require me to tweak the volume down a tad because over training seems to be a issue for me.Not sure if its age or being over zealous.
I honestly don’t think it really matters outside of adherence and personal preference. The decision to lose or gain weight , as well as what training program to follow, should be made based on preferences, health , and/or competitive aspirations.
I think you could run the Bridge 3.0 (or our new Powerbuilding or Hypertrophy templates) on a calorie deficit if you wanted to reduce body fat. Alternatively, you could run them on a calorie surplus and gain muscle on all of them. Strength improvements are mostly programming-dependent, with some input from acute LBM changes secondary to weight gain or loss.
Dear Indy, that is a great question and honestly, I do understand the appeal to have a healthier and stronger body. If to browse the web or hit any library, then it is possible to find a lot of different options to lose weight. It is possible to find multiple tips and diets to assist in figuring out how to keep the weight down, but still keep the strength and improve muscle skills. For years I tried to battle my weight on my own and, for a long time, was failing. After some reading and web research, I was able to find an incredible article, which changed my perspective completely. And I would love to share it with you as well.
Their article fully and thoroughly explains how exactly you can find and use appetite suppressant supplements, which can help to kick start a long term problem-solving in regards to your weight.
If you have no idea what appetite suppressant supplements even is, then this post is just perfect for you. There is nothing scary about them if you properly pick the right ones for you. There is also presented a nice list of various options: from all-natural products to medicine. Most of us do not know what are needed supplements, which will help you to lose weight. A great paragraph about anorectics contains the names of the products you can buy. Please have caution during the purchase of any supplements, since only a professional dietitian can prescribe you any type of anorectics.
Yes( I noticed that I put weight on. It was really sad because I am model and can’t afford it. I cried when looked on my body, but I didn’t know what I should to do. I have never done workout and e.t. I even lost my work for several months. My husband understood this situation and found the solution. Fitness program made me more fit and skinny than I was before. It is something wonderful. Dietitian and coach explained me everything and gave me all instructions how to change my body and attitude to the food and workout. Thank you God and my husband that now everything is okay.