Hello and thank you for providing such an informative resource amongst all the BS out there.
I found your site via Alan Thrall and I’ve been consuming your content voraciously for the last couple of days.
I’m 53 years old, training for approx 2 years. The current goal is hypertrophy but I still want to get stronger.
I read “To be a beast” and “7 rules to optimise protein intake” and I think I’m in sync with most of your recommendations except meal timing. I’ve been fasting until lunchtime for well over 12 months now and find it works very well for me in compliance with my calorie and macro targets.
A normal training day looks like this:
4; 30 am: Wake up, go to work, consume water & black unsweetened coffee until 12;00
12:00: Bowl of oats, a scoop of whey, apple, banana
3:00 pm: a scoop of whey & a banana
3:30 pm: Train
5:00 pm: a scoop of whey & a banana
6:00 pm: Dinner (meat, chicken, fish + veges/salad/rice/couscous) + All Bran cereal + a scoop of whey with some berries and sometimes finish with some dates for a sweet treat.
9:00 pm: Bed
Question: Given my goal is hypertrophy and I’m at an age where muscle mass is harder to gain and assuming my calories and macros stay the same, would I be better served to schedule a couple of meals in between 4:30 am - 12:00?