Dear Dr. Feigenbaum and Dr. Baraki,
Due to constraints in equipment, I am not able to perform the close grip floor press or the pin squat.
However, I am already doing the Wide Grip Bench on alternating weeks, as well as performing 2ct paused squats on day three when I am doing the pin squat on day 2.
What shall I substitute these movements with? Shall I substitute the floor press with a close-grip bench and the pin squat with a 3ct paused squats? What would you recommend as optimal substitutions?
Kind Regards,
Eddie Mun
I would just do towel bench/board bench with a close grip and probably replace pin squats with box squats.
Thank you for the reply Dr. Feigenbaum! Unfortunately, I am unable to do box squats as well. I am a fairly short fellow (5’3), and there aren’t any benches or boxes that will help me attain adequate depth. Is there some other pin squat substitute that you could prescribe?
Kind Regards,
Eddie Mun
Do you have bumper plates? You can stack those and use them (or look around for something similar). That’s what I have done plenty of times. 
Thank you for the response, Ms. Lutz! Unfortunately, my gym does not have bumper plates.
I’d have to use 5~6 plates in order to do box squats.
Any other suggestions?
Kind Regards,
Eddie Mun
I don’t consider stacking 5-6 plates to be an insurmountable obstacle.
But if you can’t find a box squat option, I know you got lots of options on FB as well. The leg press is fine, really.
Thank you again for the reply! I’ll try to stack the plates, but sometimes I feel self conscious for stealing all those plates when others need to use it as well :. I love doing the leg press as well, so I’ll do what I can 
Kind Regards,
Eddie Mun