Factors that drive adaptation to a stress

Hi Dr. Feigenbaum and Dr. Baraki,

In the programming podcast, you guys discussed how as an individual adapts to training over time, they get less sensitive to the stimulus and to progress they either have to a) administer a greater dose of stress–usually in the form of more volume–at an appropriate intensity level, or b) change up the exercise selection/variation, which could include introducing different rep/set schemes.

In the Science of Running (thanks for the book recommendation Jordan :)) Steve Magness discusses how there are some unconventional variables in the context of running one could manipulate in order to drive adaptation outside of variation in volume and pace, such as:

a. Inter/intra-density: decreasing the time between workout days or within sets/reps between workouts.
b. Nutrition: for instance, in marathon runners efficient use of glycogen is an issue, so fasting before a long run signals to messengers to use the glycogen you’ve stored up more efficiently for future runs.
c. Psychological State: so, going for a workout after a particular hard exam or a stressful day trains the “perceived fatigue-ability” component of fatigue.

Do you think these factors can be manipulated in a resistance training program too? More importantly, do you think they should be manipulated if someone hits a wall with the traditional variables: volume at an appropriate intensity level, exercise variation, exercise selection, and set/rep scheme?

A and C, yes. B I think is less likely.

I think A) can for sure, as this tends to drive strength endurance. As far as it contributing to maximal strength though- I don’t think so.

I don’t think that nutrition can be manipulated to drive favorable strength or hypertrophy adaptations, save for maintaining good practices such as getting enough protein and calories.

For C), I think higher stress (or higher “emotion” per Issurin) workouts can be of value to drive performance in high stress settings, e.g. an upcoming meet. However, I don’t think doing some calculus problems prior to a set is going to drive more hypertrophy or strength development, no.

Yes, it is certainly possible to manipulate factors such as inter/intra-density, nutrition, and psychological state in a resistance training program to drive adaptation. These unconventional variables can add an extra dimension to your training and potentially help you overcome plateaus or stimulate further progress when traditional variables like volume, intensity, exercise variation, and set/rep schemes have reached a point of diminishing returns. Manipulating the time between workouts or within sets/reps can impact the stress and recovery balance. Decreasing the time between workouts can increase training frequency, leading to a higher overall training stimulus.