Questions on Resistance Training Endurance Athletes for Injury Risk Reduction

I enjoyed y’alls recent article on using resistance training for injury risk reduction in endurance athlete. While I think it was very well cited and I agree with your points, I have one theoretical qualm with the whole thing. If chronic injuries/pain are mostly due to mismanagement in training dosage, then how would adding MORE training stress (in the form of resistance training) help reduce the injury risk in this population?

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Hey man, this is actually an excellent question that will be covered in parts 2&3. It really comes down to all loading not being equal. If this were the case then your squat would get better by running (which is will to a VERY small point if you’re completely untrained). Magnitude of stress plays a large role and when it comes to things like tendon adaptation we need large magnitudes of stress to elicit and adaptation. In most cases the stress of running in terms of mileage would decrease during the rehabilitation phase as well which frees up some capacity for stress with resistance training. That being said there are absolute contraindications to adding stress in endurance athletes with RED-S (relative energy deficiency syndrome) or female athlete triad. The last point is covered in part three.

Ok, thanks so much for the answer. I look forward to parts 2&3; thanks for all the amazing content y’all put out.

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