

Just wondering if someone from BBM could help me with some ideas for conditioning in a home gym with only a half rack, Barbell, and 2x 24kg kettlebells & 1x 32kg kettlebell.

its currently pretty rainy here in Australia so my regular LISS is mountain biking each weekend; any ideas of what else could be substituted for LISS inside without a cardio machine?

Additionally, are kettlebell workouts suitable for HIIT? If so, is there anything I should be aware of when engaging in kettlebell HIIT work to supplement my template?

Thanks in advance!

I don’t think you can do LISS inside without cardio equipment unless you’re pretty good at jumping rope or you can walk around. HIIT you could certainly do a variety of different ways at home. If you want to use kettlebells, that’s cool man :slight_smile:

Thanks for replying Jordan :slight_smile:

bonus question: when do you recommend someone move from 3x to 4x a week programming? When their E1RM’s stagnate or regress?

More so when they need more training volume than can be fit into their allotted time to train 3x/wk.

Thank you for taking your time to respond :slight_smile: