Im a 31 year old male, have never taken anabolic steroids or any supplement that I would think affect hormone levels. My body fat is low (I’d say under 15%) yet I started to develop gynecomastia two years ago. I now have grape sized lumps in each nipple that are painful and unsightly. I mentioned it to my primary care doc and he brushed it off as too much estrogen. Are there any non surgical remedies?
Hey Kyle,
Thanks for the post and I hope you’re well. I think you should ask your doctor to reconsider evaluating this or see a different doctor. Typically, if male gynecomastia is found on exam there are a few additional diagnostic tests administered, e.g. measuring serum HCG, testosterone, LH, and E2, for example. Depending how those come back, there may be additional tests done.
If everything comes back normal and you’re not carrying too much body fat, there are a handful of non-surgical treatments that are used such as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) may be used if higher aromatase and/or estrogen activity levels are suspected based on tests. In hypogonadal men, testosterone replacement can help in that situation. This also assumes no medications are being taken that may cause gynecomastia.
Overall, it is important to get the correct workup to make sure the right thing is being treated.
Hope this helps.
I found this topic because I was faced with a similar situation, I was advised by various sarms to improve my well-being…
Hey guys…it’s intereting situation