I’m getting mixed messages on this topic using the interwebs. Looking for your input.
I’m a 49yo male, 170lbs, BF about 22. Began SS program 2 months ago, and struggling to gain weight and mass. My weight has been constant for that time.
Been striving for macros of 215p/287c/96f at 2,873 calories. Really hard for me to eat that much food. Feels like it sits in my stomach for hours. I can get to about 2,400 calories and about 170g protein but I get super bloated, and eating more is painful.
I’ve been taking antacid meds for the better part of 20 years for what was originally diagnosed as reflux with hiatal hernia.
My question - since these meds up the pH in the stomach, wouldn’t they slow digestion and also block the release of pepsin, thereby preventing the breakdown of protein? Feels like my BMs are abnormal too. Floating, oily (sorry for the description). I wonder if I’m not absorbing nutrients well enough to see gains.
I have never seriously lifted before and feel like my current weights of 205 squat / 235 DL / 105 press / 135 BP are stalling.
Over at SS, I’d hear YNDTP, and I agree. But it isn’t because I don’t want to and am not trying. Feels like this gut thing is hindering.
It doesn’t look like you’re having a ton of fat in the diet that is causing a sort of dumping or short gut -esque response, but the floating/oily stool suggests that there might be some fat malabsorption. Ultimately this would need to be confirmed and quantified by stool sample. Additionally, while I have my own thoughts about the long term use of antacids- I doubt this is preventing your weight gain. Rather, it is your lack of caloric intake.
I would:
-double your oatmeal intake at breakfast.
-skip the white rice at noon. add another almond butter and jelly sandwhich + a protein shake
-Have a 2nd serving of dinner before bed