My meet is tomorrow. After that ill be deciding between an HLM and Modified TM. Can I get opinions on which one looks better for me (Im intermediate, 9 months of training, 3 of them Novice LP)
I’m guessing they aren’t going to recommend the TM. Have you read the bridge? If you’re a new intermediate, you sound like the target demo for that program.
Those programs are almost exactly the same. You are essentially asking, should I deadlift on monday or friday? I would do the bridge. I’ve done that version of texas method. As Jordan would say, “No me gusta”.
The bias on this forum will be for The Bridge, and for good reason. There are pages of explanations behind what is shows in the pdf. If you are not convinced after that then it’s worth looking elsewhere, but I suspect once you spend time seeing what it’s all about that is where you’ll stay.