High Hamstring pain

Hey Docs,

I have been experiencing some pain/tenderness high in my left hamstring about where it attaches to the ischium for some time now. It’s sort of a sharp pain and does hurt to touch but overall I would rate it 3/10 on average for intensity. I couldn’t really say when I first noticed it but I would say it’s been going on for several months. It doesn’t necessarily stop me from deadlifting or squatting but it certainly is annoying and trying to train through it hasn’t lead it to resolving or worsening. Flexion at the hip does aggravate it but it seems to get better when I warm it up and there are times I don’t even notice it. I am trying to keep myself as calm as possible about it and I wonder if it’s a high hamstring tendinopathy or maybe some ischialgluteal bursitis. Anyways, for training I am 5 weeks into the 7 week hypertrophy template and before that I ran the bridge. I have recently started tracking my session RPE as I tend to have a lot of life stress and I am trying to manage that so that it doesn’t take a toll on my training. I hope this is enough information to get the conversation started and I appreciate the help.