High-rep deadlifts/RDLs - straps or mixed grip?

I’m currently midway through the Hypertrophy/GPP template, and it prescribes a number of sets of higher-rep deadlifts and RDLs (6-8 reps). I find that using a standard overhand grip is tending to fail just before the end of the second or third set @RPE 8. I can use a hook grip to do the set, but I find that painful to the point of distraction (it’s fine for 1-3 reps, but not 8). I don’t currently own a pair of straps, so I’ve been using a mixed/alternating grip to complete the top sets.

Anybody got an opinion whether I should invest in some straps and use those, or just continue using a mixed grip for these sets as required?

Once you get used to putting them on straps are great for high rep RDLs.

I just use two lengths of webbing from a warn out 2" ratchet strap so I don’t know about any brands.

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Straps for deadlift assistance work.
I use the Ironmind Sew-Easy straps, but I am sure any will do.

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One recommendation is that if you are planning to compete, always use hook or alternating grip, no straps. the more you lift without straps, the stronger your grip will be.

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