Background: Male, 24 years old, Intermediate lifter.
After missing 3 weeks of training due to being away, I was briefly on LP just to get my strength back, which I ran for like 2.5 weeks before restarting The Bridge. One week back to training, on a hard set of squats I felt something in my right hip tighten up/seize up. I wasn’t too worried about it and was able to finish my sets for the day with minor discomfort but nothing really wrong. From then on whenever I squatted I had pain at the front of my hip but was still able to train through it. However in my last few training sessions it had started to become more significant and despite deadlifts feeling 100% fine, when I was warming up for squats the pain was so prominent I decided to just leave off the 2 sets of squats for the light day.
Currently whenever I squat, regardless of the load (even bodyweight), I feel pain in my hip at the front. I did Day 1 of week 1 on the bridge on Saturday and despite doing a lot of warmup sets and even some leg swings wasn’t able to feel any better. I decided to try and just do the tempo squats that day and see if just squatting with a much lighter load might allow me to train pain free, which it didn’t. When I went to bench I noticed I had a tendency to not want arch as much due to discomfort in the front of my hip. The Rack Pulls were 100% pain free though.
Monday I did the Day 2 of the Bridge and said I’d try the regular Squat w/ belt I was supposed to do 2 days ago. All the warmup squats I did, bodyweight, empty bar, and light sets felt pretty shit honestly, the pain was quite distracting. However my sets @6, @7, and @8 actually didn’t feel -that- bad, oddly enough they kinda felt a bit better which didn’t make much sense, but after the set I would get a dull after-pain that was quite distracting. I also felt I might have been a lil more bent over than usual squatting, which may have alleviated some pain, and also felt a lil like I wanted to shift to the other leg a little. This after-pain continued when i went to Overhead Press and Barbell Row. When I was doing OHP I would also have pain when squatting to getting under the bar to start the lift, and while executing the lift would have been in the hip,and noticed again a tendency to want to shift off the right leg a little, and also seemed to want to lean back less to start the lift. That after-pain was honestly really distracting for presses and rows, and if I didn’t have that afterpain I’d probably have no problem just training squats completely normal.
I had also tried to see a physical therapist last friday, which was litterally useless. But she put my hip through loads of random tests and said she couldn’t find anything really wrong with the hip at all and just gave a lazy recommendation of just do loads of stretching and foam rolling. She didn’t even check at the end if I was still getting pain when squatting…The only thing I got out of paying for that appointment was really bad DOMS in my hip flexor from her massaging it for ages lol. But if nothing else I can conclude that there’s no real acute tweak/partial tear I think, but now I’m really confused as to what to do since load doesn’t appear to be the issue. Do I just keep deadlifting and wait for it to stop hurting?
Open to any advice on it right now as I’ve no idea what’s going on with my hip.