So what are the facts, does the use of lifting straps prevent increases in grip strength?
My deadlift starts to slip from my hands when the weight is in the high 200’s, so I’ve been using hook grip.
In this video from Calgary Barbell, he advises to train with straps right up until your top singles, then use the hook grip. Since Bryce is a world class powerlifter, I think I’m going to try this method for a while.
Does anybody else have thoughts, experience training with straps?
I use hook grip on my comp singles and probably one set of back off work. Then straps.
I use straps on all supplemental lifts, except maybe supplemental deadlifts close to a meet. Then it depends on how my thumbs are doing.
I’ve not dropped a deadlift yet and my best pull in a comp is 230kg (507 ish lbs)