Loss of grip strength an indicator of “overtraining”?

Currently on week 7 of the Press template. Things are moving along. I knew my actual 1RM prior to beginning. I have put 35lbs on my squat, 10 on my press, and 25 on my deadlift. I’ve noticed that my grip strength seems to be declining. I could explain it away by saying, “well duh, you’re deadlifting heavier weight” but it’s also on things such as light barbell rows and chins on GPP days. Is this normal? Should I add some sort of grip work?

Many thanks in advance.

What kind of grip are you using now and have you considered straps for the supplemental pulls as long as your comp pulls are just fine?

I’ve been using the standard hook grip. I use straps once my grip becomes the limiting factor which seems to be sooner and sooner regardless of comp vs supplemental.

What I’d try first is to use hook grip for you comp DL, and it would be fine to use straps for 1-2 back off sets if needed. Then use straps regularly for your supplemental pulls in order to preserve your grip for the comp training day.

Thanks for the information. I’ll be implementing this!

My experience is that grip strength is related to fatigue. When fatigue is dissipated, grip strength goes up again.
This can vary from day to day / week to week.
So when training/life/work stress goes down, your grip strength might return to previous levels again.
At least, that’s what I see in my training.