How important is the Cardio work?

I have to console my training days to 3 days a week so can’t do GPP work on an extra day. My sessions are dragging out to approx 2hrs (3 barbell movements + arms + back or ab work) with strict 3min rests.

i can barely justify spending 2hrs in the gym let alone 2.5 to add in cardio.

how important is it?

currently running bridge 1.0 but plan on running 3 day Hypertrophy next.

Depends how good your cardio development is right now and if you need any additional training for weight loss. What say you?

I think the 3 day hypertrophy template is going to take you less time than the bridge if I had to guess.

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Thanks Jordan. What’s your thoughts of splitting the steady state cardio into two 15min sessions instead of one big block? Same goes with HIIT?

I’ve been wondering this as well. I’m about to start the 12 Week Strength, which will be the first time I’m lifting 4 days/week.

For someone not trying to lose weight, how might you define “good cardio development”?