Hey BBM,
I have a question regarding cardio for the 3 day template. I like the GPP II Template due to it’s ability to accommodate 2-3 days a week of BJJ training. I’m usually doing BJJ 2 times a week. I’m wondering if adding sprint HIIT work and distance runs up to 2 miles before BJJ would be appropriate? Would it be better to spread the template to a week 1 a and b, week 2 c and a, week 3 b and c, and so on? Would you change the structure of the weekly workouts by combining the three days into two days in some way? Is it foolish to add more stress so I should take a BJJ day out of the week and do one running day for the week instead?
I haven’t trained running in 5 years and during my strength training, I let BJJ be my cardio. I recently started running to train for a 5k and realized my locomotion is atrocious haha. I work in law enforcement. I think BJJ and running is important for the job, I just prioritize BJJ over running. Once I get off work, I have an hour and a half before BJJ class starts. I’m thinking that adding running would tire me before class and my BJJ sparring would be forced to focus on technique, rather than powering through and forcing a technique that wouldn’t work if I was already tired. It seems like sound reasoning to me. I wonder if you guys agree or if it would be too much weekly stress.
My current weekly structure has me training 5 days in a row.
Monday - BJJ
Tuesday - Strength training
Wednesday - Strength training
Thursday - BJJ
Friday - Strength training
Saturday - REST / BJJ Open Mat (if my body is feeling good)
Sunday - REST
I find I have the best time and progress when doing 3 day programming. Adding running would add to the stress on my body. I’m worried inserting running into my current weekly structure is a recipe for patellar tendonitis, bursitis, and all the other fun stuff that can come up from training to be more likely. Switching to 2 days gives me a day to work only on my running and my weekly fatigue from strength training is lowered.
If it would be beneficial, my idea for combining the 3 days into 2 involves breaking up the lifts of day two. Move the Main Horizontal Press to day 1. Move the Main Horizontal Pull and Supplemental Squat to day 3. Take accessories out and do Nordic Hamstring Curls at the end of my workouts. I think it lowers my weekly fatigue by taking out accessories, but not to the degree of going to week 1 a and b, week 2 c and a.
My Current Lifting Profile
Age - 30
Bodyweight - Between 195lbs and 200lbs throughout the year
Bench - 305 lbs
Squat - 415 lbs
Deadlift - 525 lbs
OHP - 185 lbs
Your insight is greatly appreciated and I hope I’ve included all necessary information you need for my questions. I feel like I’ve asked a lot. Thank you for your time and let me know if you need anymore information. Please point me to a forum post if this type of question has been asked before. Cheers!