How long to try HB Squat before deciding whether it is helping or not.

Hello Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum and/or Dr. Austin Baraki,

I tried out High-Bar like a month ago due to my lingering hip issue, but only for like 1 and a half weeks. I went back to low bar but my hip still wasn’t resolved. Additionally, I decided that I didn’t give High-Bar enough time, so I switched back like a week ago. I am just wondering about how long it takes for my body to get fully accustomed to the new form. I pretty much do olympic-style high bar because my “just-below-parallel” is nearly the same as my full depth position. From what I feel, I don’t think my hip is accustomed to that position yet. I don’t want to waste my time on something that is not helping, but I also don’t want to jump ship and go back to LB before I get a large enough sample size of squatting sessions. How long should I stick with HB before even considering what to do next?


I can’t predict how long it will take you, sorry man. I dont know what the issue is, how your squat looked before / after, whether your programming is appropriate, etc.

If there’s no change after several (say, 3-4 to make a number up) weeks, go back to the drawing board.

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