I’m finding the myoreps interesting. When I was doing them with front squats, doing even one additional set of 3 reps 20 seconds after a set of 14 front squats was a pretty horrible experience.
With close-grip bench and similar lifts, I find that I can do sets of 5 with 20-30 seconds rest basically indefinitely, even though the original set of 14 was close to maximal. The first set of 5 20-30 seconds after the 14 is pretty easy and it only gets marginally harder each set. Only being able to do 3 sets is probably tens of sets down the line.
How would you solve this? Would you maybe do more reps on the first myo set rather than arbitrarily stopping at 5? Or maybe less rest between (although it still seems to require a lot of sets to get down to only being able to do 3)?
I would expect 1-4 sets after the activation set with some differences between different exercises amongst different individuals. I wouldn’t shorten the rest period or do more reps on the first set either provided the activation set was fairly accurate in loading and reps attained.
Is “20-30 seconds” appropriate for the rest periods? The templates say “five deep breaths” which seems like it would be shorter than that but I can’t really breathe slowly and deeply after the activation set on something like SSB myoreps. I saw a video where Austin was doing highbar myo reps with timed 20 second rests but I’m not sure if that varies depending on the movement. Would you say that if someone is getting a huge number of mini sets that they probably didn’t judge the RPE correctly on the activation set and thus need to increase the weight? Seems like it’s harder to accurately gauge RPE on high rep sets.
Yeah, I think 20 seconds or less is probably appropriate.
Would you say that if someone is getting a huge number of mini sets that they probably didn’t judge the RPE correctly on the activation set and thus need to increase the weight? Seems like it’s harder to accurately gauge RPE on high rep sets
Yep, that’s possible. Or the rests are too long, or they’re insanely well conditioned Either way … sounds like load should go up!
I experience the same issue as you guys, nice to see i am not alone ! Thanks for sharing.
Undershooting the load on squat myoreps, nice conditioning experience after 8 back-off sets… anyway i will probably up the weight and target the lower rep range (12 to 13) so i do not end up with back-offs to infinity.