How safe is Alpha Yo?

Just ordered a preworkout with the stuff. I like high stims but I dislike heart failure. Just tryna weigh my options here regarding the risks

I can’t find it with a cursory Google search, so I can’t really tell you. If you post the label I can weigh-in on it.

As an aside, may I ask why you ordered it if you’re not confident in the safety or efficacy? More a curiosity than anything else. Appreciate your response.

Sorry, I was talking about Alpha Yohimbine (Rauwolscine extract). Honestly, I don’t think there’s really an amazing answer for the second one. I like strong pre workouts because I like the feeling. I knew it was strong but I guess I just didn’t think much about making sure it was safe Ana’s I’m realizing that was silly

I’d avoid any product with the name “alpha” in it but that’s just me

Yohimbine doesn’t really do anything useful and does not have a great safety profile. That’s assuming the product isn’t contaminated either, which is a big ask. I probably wouldn’t take it, favoring caffeine for the pre workout stimulant instead.