Hey doc, my goals are primarily aesthetics. And while perusing that i would like to get somewhat strong. I am not looking to compete but a 3-4 plate deadlift, 2-3 squat and a 2 plate bench are what i would be satisfied with.
I am currently 17, 71,6kg, 173cm and have a 32-33 inch waist. I would really like to build muscle and for that reason i bought the hypertrophy 1 template.
My em1 maxes are Deadlift/Bench are 116kg and 67kg (So i’m still pretty weak) and I have been avoiding squats but i will start doing them next week.
My question is since i never did the Beginner Template and i want to build muscle at the moment , should i do the beginner template first or is it okay to do the Hypertrophy template? I am also eating in about a 250cal surplus if that helps.