How to split routine into 1 hour sessions across the week

Hi guys, the gym I’m training at only allows you to train 1 hour per day due to covid. I’m doing a PhD so I have a lot of flexibility and can train 7 days a week if needs be. How should I split up training across days as I’m currently doing phase 1 of beginner prescription? For example, should I try something like this (I’m assuming the same method would work for re-arranging routines like the bridge and powerbuilding which I plan to run after):
Monday: squat, bench
Tuesday: deadlift (3rd exercise from A workout) + cardio
Wednesday: ohp, squat
Thursday: row (3rd exercise from B workout) + cardio
Friday: deadlift, bench
Sat: squat (3rd exercise from C workout)
Sunday: off


That split looks great. Love it! Good luck with the PhD as well :slight_smile:

Great, thanks! :slight_smile: