Hypertrophy 3 Day to Bridge 3.0


I just completed the 3 day hypertrophy template and will begin The Bridge 3.0 Monday. Prior to hypertrophy I ran The Bridge 1.0.

My questions are in regard to arm work and GPP:

  1. Last week of hypertrophy I was doing 3 days a week arms for 5X12 curls and press downs. The Bridge 3.0 has it starting 1 day and then to 2 days with 3-5 sets gradually increasing with 12-15 reps @8. Since I am accustomed now to 3 days 5X12 should I continue this or follow as programmed. Does it matter - would more arm work than programmed be counter productive to strength gains I suppose?

  2. Additionally, can I put triceps work on main days and leave biceps on GPP? I just assume to not run triceps for like 4 straight days as triceps are hit a lot in pressing of course as well. I do MWF and GPP T Sat.

  3. Lastly, would doing triceps work more than biceps work, day 3 days to 2 days, be okay? I seem to like triceps work, having never done it before, and it seems to help a lot with pressing obviously. I was thinking triceps MWF after main days then biceps on GPP days.

Thank you for all of your help and information!

  1. I would follow it as programmed.
  2. Sure, that’s fine.
  3. This is also fine :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot - appreciate the reply so quickly too!

I have a question on some potential Nuance™ here. If my recollection serves me right, I think another thread indicated to maintain the level of LISS and HIIT reached in a template when transitioning to a new template (I don’t recall that thread talking about other GPP activity). My question then is as we traverse from template to template, should we maintain the highest level of LISS and HITT that we have achieved, but follow the template as written for accessory work such as biceps and triceps (and by inference upper back and abs)?