Hypertrophy bias template with limited equipment

Hi folks!

Here’s a question for those who have used the hypertrophy bias template (or just the BBM crew).

I’m looking to change up my training and I’m considering taking 7 weeks to focus on hypertrophy. It seams that BBM’s template fits my preference to stay focused on the main powerlifting movements. The only thing is that I recently transitioned to doing all of my training at home, and at the moment I’ve only got the most basic equipment (bar, squat rack with spotter arms, flat bench, plates).

Is it doable to complete the program with this limited equipment? I’ve got no dumbbells, no leg press, no adjustable bench. I also have ceilings that are too low to OHP with full ROM.

Can these circumatances work for this program, or can the movement selection be modified to fit my set up without radically changing the overall program?

For Incline bench you can put your flat bench on some blocks to get inclined (finding angle with a square and level)and put a bar or 2x4 across the rack to keep it from moving. You don’t need a leg press, belt squat or SSB you can front or high bar squat. And seated or z-presses aren’t ideal but work.

Really none of the BBM templates that I’ve seen are equipment restricted, all of them are doable at home.

I’m doing week 5 of the hypertrophy template now. I had the same equipment as you, with the same low ceiling, but splurged on an incline bench from Titan Fitness. No issues yet, though myo-rep squats are pretty soul-crushing. I sit for press and move my knees forward on a high-bar squat as a replacement for belt squat.

Someone wise said: What are you going to do, not train? :wink:

I’m currently doing the Hypertrophy (3 day) program. I work out at home too, on Day 1 and 2. For the bench myo on Day 2, I do touch-and-go bench (so no dumbells). I do go to a university gym for Day 3 and use their incline bench and leg press machine. But as Jimmy said, the program recommends other options for the supplementals, or you can try to safely set up an incline for bench.