so, like last week, I encountered an “issue” I was deadlifting (RPE 8) I felt a weird sharp pain in around my right side of my butt as I locked out the deadlift. So obviously, me freaking out, I attempted the pull again, BAM more sharp pain. The pain ONLY occurred when I was locking out. So, I continued training, but at lower RPE’s. a couple days ago, I was squatting ~265 for 10s, and yeah there was pain, but it was manageable and enough to do all 10 reps
I wanted opinions about this, I obviously am not going to stop training, and I can perform everyday tasks perfectly fine. I have no pain when I bend over, I can air squat perfectly fine and air deadlifts perfectly fine. Obviously, PT said, I need to stretch more and blamed problems on my core. obviously, pain being a complicated topic I didn’t want to just assume Hernia or any other issues. I am going to keep training under lower RPE for more volume since I’m on hypertrophy.
Could sitting on my ass all day contribute to this? currently studying for the MCAT and obviously, I have 4-5 blocks of time scheduled to just studying.
Not looking for a “diagnoses” but something other than a PT telling to do stretches.