Insulin sensitivity/resistance

Hi Doc,

I wasn’t sure whether to post this in Nutrition or Medical, but hey ho.

I’ve read To Be A Beast, and I wanted to ask about a particular section. I’m similar to the hypothetical Jim, at 6’1, 240lb and 39 years old.

I wanted to pick up on a particular line - ‘Since he’s also carrying a lot of bodyfat I can also assume that he’s not super insulin sensitive either.’

Are the terms insulin sensitive and insulin resistance interchangeable? I had taken insulin resistance to mean pre-diabetic (type 2), but I hadn’t heard insulin sensitive before.

My waist measurement is currently 43’, and I’d say the majority of my body fat is in my belly. I suspect my body fat is in a similar range to ‘Jim’.

What I’m trying to figure out is, does my current body shape mean I’m not particularly predisposed to type 2 diabetes? I understand that obviously that measurement needs to come down, but I’m more wondering how or if this would impact my carb intake.

Your current body shape means you ARE predisposed to Type 2 Diabetes, High blood pressure, and abnormal cholesterol levels.

You should reduce your calories- perhaps through carbohydrate reduction and/or dietary fat reduction

Thanks for your time Jordan!

I thought that was the case - I got a little thrown by the wording that ‘Jim’ was not insulin sensitive despite having similar stats to me.

Yea I can see how that could be confusing. One of these days I’ll learn how to write!