Interior Hip Flexor Pain at top of Deadlift

Hey BBM,

I am 18 years old 6’ 0" 165lbs and I just finished my first year of powerlifting at my high school. Through the season, as I lifted heavier weights, I started to feel pain on the interior of my hips when I deadlifted (sumo). I don’t feel the pain until I push my hips to the bar to lockout. I would have to take a day off of exercising my legs to recover. So far I just try to stretch out my hips before and after my sessions. Recently I watched this video and found it very insightful.

But, I do not know another variation to deadlifting if my pain comes from the hip thrust on the lockout (regardless of weight). I was wondering if you guys could help me out all.


I had a similar issue a couple of years ago deadlifting conventional. I stopped pushing my hips through at the end/top of the lift. Just stand up straight. Don’t push the hips through and clench glutes. Just stand up straight (I know I am repeating myself but people always think they have to push the hips through and squeeze their butt). My pain dissipated over the next week or so. Don’t stretch out your hips, it will not do anything to help. I highly doubt it is the variation as I had it doing conventional deadlift and it went away when I stopped pushing through. I did not change the lift.

I will have to try that out. I decided that since I’m technically in my off season for powerlifting, I will switch between conventional and sumo deadlifts. I also gave it a thought that my problem could be associated with my form for sumo deadlifts.

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

Hey @Praetorian , just checking in to see how things have been progressing since your original post.

Since I’m in the off season, I have been switching between sumo and conventional. It seems that I get pain doing sumo when I do a lot of volume. This week, I will try sumo again and see how it goes.

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Hello forum members

For some time now, I’ve been researching hip flexors, their health benefits and the best ways to exercise them.
In my search, I have found information that has helped me a lot with my health. And I’m sure it can also help with your hip problems.
Here I share links to information for those who want to visit them:

I sincerely hope that this information will help you as much as it helps me.