Hey guys. Sorry for the long post but I want to give a little detail to get the best advice possible. About 2 months ago I went to FL with the family. When I came back I got sick. I had a cough and by the time I saw my doctor he suspected that I had bronchitis and it would solve itself. It slowly went away only flaring up when I trained her and there. About a month later I started to have the cough again. I went to the doctor and saw another doctor and explained that I was coughing and it seemed to flare up at night. I also expressed having chest pain. Not like I was having a heart attack or something serious but an ache. It is near the center of my chest on the left side. The doctor I saw put me on an inhaler for asthma and has me on ranidine twice a day. I have noticed that the pain is not there most of the day. If I am playing with my kids and they climb on my chest or if I roll onto my left side the pain is there. This morning while Pressing over head I started to feel the pain again. I don’t feel the pain while benching. I am starting to think it might be a muscular issue and not something else.
I am 33 years old, male, 5’10 and 193lbs. I have had issues in the past where I was put on Ranidine but it was mild and this seems to have no rhyme or reason to it. Could this be a musclar thing or should I stick it out with the Ranididine?