Is there a shoulder rehab template available?

Hi. I recently purchased the knee rehab template and am excited to start it. I have the same situation with my shoulders (pain during chest/shoulder lifts as well as certain everyday activities). pain decreases if i stop training chest/shoulders for a week. no acute event triggered the pain, it gradually increased over time.

Question is: do you have a Shoulder Rehab Template similar to the knee one? If not, how can I design one? If I can’t rehab my shoulders, I’ll have to stop training my chest and shoulders. (what are you gonna do, not train? … sadly, yes) I have read your shoulder series of articles and your pain articles and videos, I’m familiar with your view on pain in general. It’s just that strength training is supposed to improve our quality of life… if it causes pain, then the benefit does not outweigh the discomfort. anyways, i digress… just wondering specially how i can go about rehabing my shoulders. I really hope you guys have a should rehab template i could use.

Thanks so much for all your contributions to strength training!!

Hi there,

We do not currently have a shoulder rehab template available. With that said, the same principles would apply, and we have written content that should help you if your aim is to self-manage your own programming (see here: Pain in Training: What To Do? . The key here is finding your entry point to the process. If your pain improves after stopping training for a week, I am very confident that there is SOME dose/form of activity that you can tolerate - even if it’s just one set of presses/bench with the empty bar, or low-load dumbbells. If this dose is tolerable, you can aim to progress things (likely more slowly than you want to) in accordance with the guidelines laid out in the article linked above.

If you continue to have difficulty self-managing and want more structured guidance, a consult would be recommended: Contact Us | Barbell Medicine

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Thanks very much for the clear and detailed reply, Dr. Baraki. I really appreciate the way you guys run things at Barbell Medicine. Very professional! You guys rock!