Lane's Log

I’m 37yo male, 6’2 242 lb. I’m an electrical engineer by day.

After taking a few years off lifting, started SSNLP back in May 2017. Started doing Texas Method when that ran out back in the fall. TM after running it for 5 or so months started to really beat me up. Started not being able to sleep, soreness in quads developed that didn’t go away for several weeks, and so forth. I cut back the weight and volume 3 weeks ago, and then gradually added back volume and started increasing intensity back up. I decided to start the Bridge this week, and will keep my logs here.

Here are my PR’s (lbs):
Squat: 345 1RM
Deadlift: 465 1RM
BP: 225 2RM
Press: 160 1RM

Tues 3/6/2018, The Bridge w1, d1

  1. Squat w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 45x5/5/5

255x5 @6?
265x5 @8
265x5 @8.5

I’m not great at judging RPE yet, but 265 was what I did 4x5 last week.

  1. CG B****P: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9) (first time ever doing them) 45x12/5

155x5 (thought to myself that I’m supposed to be doing 7 rep)
165x7 @7 (realized that I’m idiot, and I’m supposed to be doing 4 reps!!! FML.)
185x4 @8? (probably @7 or even 6, after going up in weight)
195x4 @8 (okay, I was looking for an RPE 9, one more set)
200x4 @9

So this is where I came to grips that not only am I not good at judging RPE, I’m also an idiot. This was my first time doing close grip, so some of this was just getting acclimated. On another note, I have lingering pain in my front deltoid from when I strained it attempting to do incline BP for the first time ever, probably with shit form, 3-4 weeks ago. The CG BP, after I got used to getting my lats set, felt great! I think I’m in love.

  1. Rack Pull, mid shin****: (7@6, 7@7, 7@8) 135x5

225x7 @6? (hard to judge)
315x7 @7
315x7 @8

So the rack I use doesn’t have a lot of options for height at the bottom. In the past I typically have done rack pulls an inch or so below my patella. The next lowest holes put the plates ~2 in above the floor, ~2 in below mid shin for me. Probably close enough.

I’ve never done pulling for higher reps. Also up until a week or so ago, I typically bounced my reps. So the combination of resetting between each rep, having shit condition, and not used to higher rep pulls (typically <=5 reps for 1 set), had me sucking eggs at end of each set. The weight may be limited by my conditioning here.

So there you have it, my first workout on the Bridge.


Thurs 3/8/2018, The Bridge w1, d3

  1. 2ct Pause Squat: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9) 45x5/5/5

185x4 @6
225x4 @8
235x5 @8.5
235x5 @9

Still not great at judging RPE. I think on squat I overrate looking back at the numbers.

  1. Press w/belt****: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 45x5

115x5 @7
125x5 @8
135x5 @9 ww (wrist wraps)

Okay so I may done weight that was RPE a notch higher than the prescribed*,* but also I might be over rating. I have a fear of detraining on press while doing the Bridge, so I didn’t want to go too light.

  1. **BB Rows****: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8x2)**135x8 @6? maybe?

165x8 @7
185x8 @8
185x8 @8.5 (body english starting to kick in)

If a little body english is tolerated on the BB row, I might be over rating them.

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Fri 3/9/2018, The Bridge w2, d4

  1. Chin ups 7min AMRAP 0x33 reps (some reps might be shy of full ROM)
  2. Press 7min AMRAP (*added to Bridge for more press volume) 95x34 reps
  3. Ab work 7min​​​​​​​​​​​​​​How about just 2min of planks doing about 20sec at a time? I suck.
  4. 25min SS cardio @6 ​​​​​​​25min, 4deg incline, 3.3 mph

Who has shit condition? Me.

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Sat 3/10/2018, The Bridge w1, d5

  1. DL w/belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 45x5

315x5 @6
335x5 @7
365x5 @8

  1. BP 1cp: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 45x8/5

175x5 @7
185x5 @8 ww
190x5 @8.5 ww

First time doing pause BP, usually just a touch and go man. I have hard time judging anything below RPE 7.

  1. 3-0-3 Tempo Squat****: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8) 45x5

135x8 @6
155x8 @8 wasn’t sure if I was underrating, so I moved up in weight
175x8 @9

These absolutely suck. I’m so out of shape that I can’t tell if it simply the fact that I’m out of breath that is driving the RPE. Although, going so slow I could really focus on my form, “ok now set knees…”.

Ha, anytime I have to squat more than 5 reps, I think the same thing.

I’m glad I’m not alone, haha.

Looking back over my numbers, I think the press 7min AMRAP I added to the GPP might have affected my weights on the 1cp BP the following day. I did do press Thurs, the AMRAP press Friday, and the BP Sat. I think I may move them off the GPP day, and put them at the end of my Saturday workout.

Tues 3/13/2018, The Bridge w2, d1

  1. Squat w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x3) 45x7/5

225x1 (belt here fwd)
255x5 @6?
265x5 @7
270x5 @8/ 5@8/ 5@8.5

  1. CG B****P: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9x2) 45x8/4

185x4 @7
195x4 @8.5
205x3* @10 (overshot)
195x4 @9

I got a little aggressive with the 205 lb set. I probably should have stayed at 195, or only gone up to 200.

  1. Rack Pull, mid shin****: (7@6, 7@7, 7@8x2) 135x7

315x7 @6
335x7 @7
365x7 @8.5 (lower weight to keep from overshooting)
345x7 @8

I used the higher holes and stood on plates so that the bar was an inch or so above mid shin than below. This height adjustment contributed to the 10% increase in weight.

At the end of the work out I think I was dehydrated. I was a lot more sweaty than typical, and I got light headed, needing to sit down for a few minutes. I felt better after I started eating and drinking at home. My lack of conditioning showing.

Although the work out yesterday had more volume than a Texas Method volume day, particularly with the rack pulls, but by using RPE to keep intensity in check, I don’t feel nearly as beat up as typical today. I definitely did something yesterday, but not the same beat up feeling.

Thurs 3/15/2018, The Bridge w2, d3

  1. 2ct Pause Squat: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9x2) 45x6/6

195x4 @7
225x4 @8
235x4 @9/ 4@9

I’ve done more weight on these in the past, I may be holding them longer (2ct instead 1). Also, I don’t know if I was holding them below parallel when I did them prior.

  1. Press w/belt****: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x4) 45x5

115x5 @6 (belt and ww starting here)
125x5 @7
130x5 @8/ 5@8/ 5@8/ 5@9

First time I’ve done 6 working sets of press.

  1. **BB Rows****: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8x3)**135x8 @6

165x8 @7
175x8 @8 / 8@8 /8@8

My lats were more sore/fatigued than I expected. I would assume that is from the bump in volume and intensity on rack pulls 2 days ago. I lowered the top set weight a little compared to last week.

Fri 3/16/2018, The Bridge w2, d4

  1. Chin ups 7min AMRAP 0x35 reps
  2. Ab work 7min​​​​​​​Did much better this week, did the full 7 min with a few 30 sec blocks resting. Planks, v sits, 6 inches.
  3. 25min SS cardio @6 ​​​​​​​25min, 4deg incline, 3.3 mph

I’m saving the Press 7min AMRAP for the end of next workout, so as not to interfere with BP.

Sat 3/17/2018, The Bridge w2, d5

  1. DL w/belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x3) 135x5

325x5 @6
345x5 @7
375x5 @8.5
365x5 @8 / 5@9

I decided to be a little aggressive with the weight, 10 lb jumps over last week, trying to hone in my RPE guesses.

  1. BP 1cp: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x4) 45x8

155x5 @6
170x5 @7
185x5 @8.5 / 5@9 ww
175x5 @8

First time doing pause BP, usually just a touch and go man. I have hard time judging anything below RPE 7.

  1. 3-0-3 Tempo Squat****: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8x2) 45x5

135x8 @7

RAN OUT TIME! Had to cut short. So I did miss out on some squat volume.

Tues 3/20/2018, The Bridge w3, d1

  1. Squat w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x3) 45x5/5

185x5 (doing warmup with same reps)
255x5 @6 (belt here fwd)
265x5 @7.5
275x5 @8/ 5@8/ 5@9

Upped the @8 sets weight by 5lb

  1. CG B****P: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9x2) 45x8/4

135x4 (warmups with same reps)
185x5 @7 (sometimes forgot to do just 4 reps)
195x4 @8
205x4 @9 / 4@10

I felt stronger than last week here, so I got agressive with the weight. Last week I could only do 205x3 reps @10.

  1. Rack Pull, mid shin****: (7@7, 7@8, 7@9x2) 135x7

275x7 (added a warmup here so I could jump straight to the @7 weight prediction, skipping 315)
335x7 @7
365x7 @8.5 (decided to stay at weight for the @9 set)
365x7 @10 (overshot, backing off weight)
345x7 @9

Thurs 3/22/2018, The Bridge w3, d3

  1. 2ct Pause Squat: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9x2) 45x5/4

205x4 @7 (+10lb)
225x4 @8
240x4 @9/ 4@9 (+5lb)

I’ve done more weight on these in the past, I may be holding them longer (2ct instead 1). Also, I don’t know if I was holding them below parallel when I did them prior.

  1. Press w/belt****: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x4) 45x5

115x5 @6 (belt starting here)
125x5 @7 ww
135x5 @8/ 5@8/ 5@8.5/ 5@9 ww (+5lb)

Maybe I should have backed off weight on last set, however I don’t trust my RPE interpretation yet.

  1. **BB Rows****: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8x3)**135x8 @6

165x8 @7
185x8 @8.5 (+10lb) backing off weight bc RPE
175x8 @8 / 8@8.5

Again, my lats are pretty sore/fatigued following the rack pulls 2 days ago.

Fri 3/23/2018, The Bridge w3, d4 GPP

  1. Chin ups 7min AMRAP 0x38 reps
  2. Press 7min 95x12 in 3min.

No racks open, decided to try seated, but it was difficult keep from hitting the appratus. Shoulder wasn’t feeling it either, moved on.

  1. Ab work 7min Planks, v sits, 6 inches.
  2. 25min SS cardio @6 ​​​​​​​25min, 4-5deg incline, 3.3-3.5 mph

Sat 3/24/2018, The Bridge w3, d5

  1. DL w/belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x3) 135x5

335x5 @6 (belt here) +10lb
355x5 @7.5 +10lb
380x5 @9 (overshot RPE) +5lb
360x5 @8 / 5@8 -5lb

Again, I decided to be a little aggressive with the weight, 10 lb jumps over last week, trying to hone in my RPE guesses.

  1. BP 1cp: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x4) 45x10

165x5 @6 +10lb
175x5 @7 +5lb
195x5 @8 / 5@8.5 / 5@8.5 / 5@9 (+10-20 lb over last week)

Again, really aggressive with the weight increase over last week

  1. 3-0-3 Tempo Squat****: (8@7, 8@8, 8@9x2) 45x5

155x8 @7
185x8 @8
195x8 @9 / 8@10

These suck.

Tues 3/27/2018, The Bridge w4, d1 (HIGH STRESS week)

  1. Squat w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x4) 45x5

185x5 (feeling great)
255x5 @6 (belt here fwd)
265x5 @7
285x5 @8.5/ 5@9 (Feeling good +10lb jump)
275x5 @8/ 5@8 (drop back after RPE overshot)

Taking advantage of feeling really good on squat, even first empty bar felt good. Made a 10lb jump over last week for a couple of sets. Although lower back was tight when done.

  1. CG B****P: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9x3) 45x5/5

175x4 @6 (higher warmup set than before)
185x4 @7
195x4 @8
205x3* @10 FAILED 4th rep with spotter (was able to do last week)
195x4 @8 dropped back looking for a 9, but was “easy”
205x3* @10 went back up, FAILED 4th rep, should have picked 200
185x2 @8 did 2 more reps to make up for missing 2 reps

Haha, clearly I have no idea what I’m doing.

  1. Rack Pull, mid shin****: (7@7, 7@8, 7@9x2) 135x7

335x7 @7
365x7 @10 back rounding, lowering weight
345x7 @10 " "

I thought it more important to get the 2 sets @9 than the 1 warmup set at @8 once I already pasted it. The last 2 sets my lower back was really tight. Afterwards, I had a hard time putting away the weight. I needed to stop a couple of times and stretch out my lower back. These high rep deadlift sets are brutal. I feel fine today (next morning).

Lane, thank you for very detailed comments and including all of your warmup sets. We are both fairly close in numbers and it was helpful for me to gauge my efforts on my first week of the Bridge1.0. I have modeled my log after yours, thanks!

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Thurs 3/29/2018, The Bridge w4, d3

  1. 2ct Pause Squat: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9x3) 45x4/4

205x4 @7
225x4 @8
245x4 @8.5 (+5lb, not @9 yet, still count)
250x4 @9 (+10lb, coming back down)
245x4 @9

  1. Press w/belt****: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8x4) 45x5

115x5 @6 (belt and ww starting here)
125x5 @7
140x5 @9 (overshot, trying to get a +5lb)
135x5 @8/ 5@9 (droping down)
130x5 @8

  1. **BB Rows****: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8x4)**135x8 @6

165x8 @7
185x8 @8 / 8@9 (backing off) **might have done 3 sets before dropping?
175x8 @8 / 8@8.5

Fri 3/30/2018, The Bridge w4, d4 GPP

  1. Chin ups 7min AMRAP 0x36 reps (couple less than last week, but I did use the wall to cheat last week)
  2. Abs 7min Did leg raises for reps this week, 58 reps
  3. Arms 7min cable pulldown 90x65 reps, alternating with cable curl 70x65 reps
  4. 25min SS cardio @6 25min, 3.5-4deg incline, 3.3-3.5 mph