Ldl-c 22


Following up on my various cholesterol related posts, I wanted to think you for the information you provide and give an update.

After about two months on Repatha, 20mg rosuvastatin and 10mg ezetimibe, LDL-C was 22mg/Dl (down from122 pre-statin and 62 on 40mg rosuvastatin), non-HDL C was 34 and ApoB was 31. I haven’t gotten my latest Lp(a) numbers, but the last two were about 200, then inexplicably up to 300, so with luck that’s gone back down.

A while back I asked my cardiologist what would be too low and he said it was an unknown. Have you seen any useful research on this?



Wow! Sounds like very low levels are safe and effective. I wonder why 70 mg/dL is the current US target. FWIW, Lp(a) level was 250 nmol/L, down from the recent 300 but up from 200 from one year ago. With luck direct meds for Lp(a) will emerge from clinical trials in the not too distant future.

Thank you.