Doing a GPP block post-meet used to kind of bum me out because I didn’t love all the volume. I still don’t love the sets of 8, but I know quite well that it works. So I’m excited about some steady gainzZz during this block too.
Also I can now feel the ab roll outs from Wednesday. This is why I don’t do them in my meet prep. Ha. But for a GPP block? Love them.
Also post-meet I get back to one of my all-times loves: baking and cooking. This means I try new things, shove food off on anyone around me, and sample the food as I go. It’s my sampling habit that means this is not a good idea right before a meet.
This week included-
A chimichurri taste off with accompanying side dishes (the most authentic Argentine version won)
Salted chocolate chuck cookies (probably the best CC cookies ever)
Pumpkin snickerdoodles (insanely light cookies, but not very pumpkin-ish which is probably good)
Lots of roasted squash variations
And I currently have sourdough bread in the works.
Rho, you are correct! It’s a little BBM coaches’ secret, but I decided anyone else who wants to benefit from this hack should be able to as well. You are welcome!
100kgx8 reps (220lbs)
115x4 rough day with my back today and got kind of frustrated, so dropped back down to try to pull things together for the day.
Incline bench
DB bench press myo reps, 2 sets
10/30/18 Day 2 GPP block
110kg x8
115x8 x 3 sets
These obviously went much better than the squats did yesterday, and I was quite pleased with my top set there.
57.5kg x8
62.5 x 8
63x5 x8
60x8 x 3 sets (missed by final rep…)
Walking lunges with 50lb DBs, 2 myo rep sets
Also I have put some bounds on my post-Nats cooking craziness. It was fun, it was worth it, it needs to cap. Haha
One of the boards lamest loggers checking in here! I’m not going to catch up, I’ll just start at this week. The last couple or weeks have all been high rep GGP work anyway. Lots of the same stuff.
In PA after the seminar
Pivot Week, but I wasn’t planning to still be in town so I had no squat shoes/sleeves. I decided the swap to day 2 work
155kg x 1 @8, my hips were a little to low on this one
130x5 still fighting for that hip position
175x1 @8
155x6 @9
Hack squat
myo reps, 2 sets
Day 1 at home
Felt pretty good after a long weekend, after my day 2 work, and with some wild DOMS from the hack squats
Incline bench
57.5 x 1
52.5 x 6
Floor Bench
myo reps, 2 sets
And already half way through my pivot week. One huge benefit of a great post-meet GPP block? I am SUPER ready to get back into a development block again. I left Nationals in a pretty good mental space, this time KNOWING that I really do have it in me to lift more, push my total up, and see new PRs at my next meet. I have finished some meets not so confident in that. So yeah. Getting ready to see some bigger numbers. I’ll be patient though, of course. Sort of patient at