Leg pain after colonoscopy

I am 31yo male and went through a colonoscopy 36 hours ago.
After the colonoscopy, I started noticing a right-leg pain, sort of a sciatic pain (though I don’t really know that it’s sciatica).
The pain gets worse with valsalva as far as I notice, but it was possible to squat light 28 hours after the colonoscopy - I squatted 80kg which is relatively light for me since my current level is about 140kg.
Is it a common thing? should I seek medical help? shall I treat it like your general suggestion regarding pain, or shall I do something else?
The pain is bothering, but not an extremely big deal. I can be active, walk around etc with no problem. The squat didn’t seem to make any change regarding the pain, I’m not sure but I think it was a bit better when I warmed up but 2 hours later it came back to be the same as before the session.

I would apprecite your opinion and thank you very much in advance :slight_smile:

No, this is not a common thing. If you were completely fine prior to the procedure and had this onset after it was performed, I would speak with the clinician who performed the procedure.

Will do. Thanks Austin!

Hi again,
I went to the clinician and he said that it’s the first time he’s hearing about such a thing. He said that it’s unrelated to the coloniscopy since this procedure is real far away from the relevant nerves for the pain in the leg, and advised to follow that if it persists.

In the meantime it has gone, it lasted about 4 days in total.

Do you think there’s something to be worried about? Any damage or something which is more than just a pain I shall forget about, like, say, low back pain that has gone?

Thank you very much in advance

If it resolved spontaneously, it’s probably fine to just keep an eye on things for now.

I cannot give you more reassurance remotely, without having seen you, than a clinician who saw you in person.

Thanks again, I really appreciate the replies!

Cheers :slight_smile: