Life after PB2?

Finishing up PB2 coming from mostly traditional powerlifting focused programming where I was comp squatting 2x, comp dead 2x, and comp benching 4x.

Should I re-run PB2 and swap up some exercises or maybe where my belt on more exercises this time around?

I would go for PL2 but I am not the biggest fan (nor do I have the equipment) for most of the overloading exercises.

Any suggestions for someone who plans on competing again, just not right now?

If you had good results on PB2, you could run it again. Alternatively, you could run PL2 and just stick to the overload exercises you prefer, as there are many variations provided in the template that would work there.

Thanks Jordan appreciate it.

My only other question pertaining to PL2 would be the limited belt work - particularly if being used to prep for a meet which is one of the recommendations.

Wouldn’t I want to implement the belt as much as possible when prepping for a meet purely from a specificity standpoint?

For example I notice the Paused Squat and Paused Deadlift are to be done WITHOUT a belt, but wouldn’t I (as a competing powerlifter) want to get a feel for paused deads 1" off the flor and pause squats in the hole WITH a belt from a “practice” standpoint?

I guess my question is why would you only be using the belt on 3 lifts a week when prepping for a meet?