Looking for advice from experience

I did my first run of NLP this past winter finishing/quitting after about 3 months at 3x5 of; 305# squat, 125# press, 215# Bench, 350# deadlift. Low pressing numbers due to inconsistent training (missed workouts). I quit due partially to time, money, not enjoying the gym I was at, hard to be efficient.

Just got my garage gym into working order earlier this month, so detrained for about 6 months.

Rerunning LP to get back to near those numbers. This time I’ll be adding the pressing plugin and similar gpp practices as seen in the bridge, working towards the bridge.

In need of at least 40# weight loss, so strength will have to be a close second to weight loss goal-wise, is what it is.

All that to ask, those who have done LP and the bridge, what programming changes, if any, would you suggest in the later stages of lp as I work into the bridge to have as successful/enjoyable a run as I can? I plan to practice RPE and add in LISS then HIIT and the 7min rows and isometric ab work(favorite iso ab routines?). I also realize strength gains won’t be as robust in caloric deficit, I’m ok with that. <40" waist is my main goal, but strength training is great for compliance to eating and exercising for me personally.

I know that ‘running it out’ isn’t recommended. As well as the switch to triples from fahve’s. But I have a mind to do some heavy triples near the end, before the bridge, so I have a good idea of what a 1@8 feels like. Assuming I’m correct that 1@8 is 1 at approximately 3RM weight. This because I’ve never done a 3RM, so I feel like estimating RPE will be easier if I get a few near 3RM & 5RM’s under my belt to help ‘calibrate’ my RPE judgement. Bad idea?

None. Don’t change anything. The Bridge is designed to be a “bridge” between novice and more advanced post novice programming with the SSLP in mind, so nothing to it but to do it. It’s really seamless and the first week gets you oriented quite well to everything, so you’ll be good. I think if you’re curious about what a heavy triple feels like, go for it, but it’s not necessary for “learning RPE”.

The other thing is that at the at the end of your LP, as you may have already experienced, you’re going to be exhausted, and it’s natural for your RPE perception to change as you keep training. The other, other thing is you already know what an @8 feels like because you’ve been lifting 3x5 above an @8 already. So I wouldn’t do anything differently man and enjoy the gainz

That’s what I was looking for.

During my LP;

Rows over power cleans alternating with deads?

5’s or 8’s for rows?

Anyone have a favorite YouTube video for learning the row?

Chins on deadlift days or row days? No chins?

I’d just go right into the bridge.

https://youtu.be/rx8N9MOqS1k at the 19:00 mark. For the rows.