Hey everyone, very excited to join this forum today! This is my first post but I have been reading a lot of threads on here lately and hold this board and BBM in general in very high regard.
I find myself in a gray area and humbly request some advice. I am near the end of my 2nd NLP currently. I know I know, that’s sort of frowned upon around here but I have my reasons which I can share if it is helpful.
This latest LP has gone better regarding my squat than my previous LP but I have made some programming errors that I think have caused some issues for me on that movement. Bench went much slower this time, partly because I was being super conservative due to shoulder aches and pains…last LP I hit 245x5x3 and could’ve still kept going. Press is pretty close to last time. Deadlift was also down this time, from around 320x5.
Age 33
height 5’9”
weight 195#s (started lp in September at maybe 190#s)
Prior injury’s: surgery on right shoulder (non-dominant) about 3 years ago to repair a torn labrum and 80% tear of supraspinatus; stress fracture l4/l5 vertebrae (adverse process) like 14 years ago; back tweaks on last LP about 1 year ago.
Starting weights
squat 125
deadlift 175
press 70
bench 115
I had to drop weight off the bar from 275x5x3 a couple weeks ago due to a back tweak. I am just now getting back to 255# for sets across @rpe 8.5. Deadlift is back to where it was before the tweak, 285x5 @rpe 8.5. Press is at rpe 9-9.5 on last set @136#…bench is still going (rpe 8-8.5 @200#s). Decided to not do power cleans this time around because it doesn’t translate well to strength and strength is pretty much the whole point of the LP right?
My body is telling me two things, strength wise, I can keep going on my lp…but thing 2 is my body hasn’t handled the intensity very well lately because of mismanagement of accessory work. As I eluded to earlier, I didn’t plug in chins or rows early enough in LP and I attribute the back tweak to too much too fast for too long on squats and deads. I say thing 2 because of how I generally feel pretty smoked/achey/tweaky in between training days and on the 3rd work set of squats.
So my question is this, do I
A. immediately drop a deadlift session (or two) per week and get my chins and rows in to alleviate the systemic stress to try to squeak out some more progress on the LP?
B. do I move to like the 3day GPP hyper template before going back on a strength template?
If B, should I do something like the bench/press plugin since my bench is still going strong or do the template as prescribed?
C. Is there an better option not listed above?
Thanks so much!