Since I’ve engaged in weight loss this year I’ve worked down from 136kg to 127.5kg currently, waist is 109cm so still plenty of trimming left to do. I know that fat loss happens in the kitchen, and so my training is all over the place, I’ve purchased the press and 3 day hypertrophy template and basically flaked out after week 4 or so because it feels like while I’m losing fat there’s not much point in bothering with a program since it feels like I’m chasing results that are very hard to achieve with a large calorie drop. However, I’ve kept basic principles in mind like increasing stress through volume and frequency to try and gain a bit of strength but given that my lifts haven’t improved (or regressed) since last Christmas, I’ve decided I’d like to ask for help and see what happens if I actually follow good advice.
My goal is to gain strength, with that in mind, given the calorie restriction and the fact that my programming has been a load of fluff this year, which program should I have a go at?