Hello everyone. Hope you’re doing good !
I started to follow the advice that dr. Baraki gives in the article “Pain in training: what do?” but I’m having trouble creating a weekly program, so I need your help.
I started training again before 2 weeks after a 2-month lay-off.
My training mainly consists of deadlifts and squats (modified for rehabbing low back), bench and overhead press.
What would a 4-day program be like in order to get progressing and work through pain?
For example : Monday → Deadlift 3 x 12 with 3-0-3 tempo, High Bar Squats 3x12 with 3-0-3 tempo, Overhead press (is this enough or I could add a back exercise to work the affected area?)
Wednesday → Bench Press, Deadlift 3 x 12 with 3-0-3 tempo, High Bar Squats 3x12 with 3-0-3 tempo
Friday → Same as Monday
Saturday → Bench press and accesory work (biceps and triceps, maybe some planks, dumbell rows)
How’s that sound?
I’d love to hear any opinion.
Hey @GiannisKa - thanks for the questions. We actually have a template specific to low back rehab. See HERE.
Hello Dr. Ray and thanks for the answer. I should give it a go, shouldn’t I? I’ve been dealing with this problem for almost a year now and it has been very frustrating being a 20-year old…
I really want to get back to my old numbers and keep progressing!