Haven’t posted here in a while. Hope you all are well.
Anyway, I have been making some progress on my lifts, but woke up Thursday with some pretty major stiffness in my lower back. I had worked out the previous evening and nothing seemed out of the ordinary
but, as I said, was very stiff the next morning. This stiffness, accompanied by pain if I move the wrong way, has persisted. I have tried to continue as normal as much as possible.
So far I have continued to work my job, which is physically active, and have worked out twice. I can do a half ROM front squat without much pain. I deadlifted 135 lb for 8 reps at full ROM on Thursday but I do not think that I can do that now. In more recent workouts I have had to stop at very short, very light rack pulls.
So basically, I have not yet seen noticeable improvement from day to day. My back does loosen up as the day goes on, but has gotten worse again every morning.
My questions then are:
1: Is there any major thing that I should do differently?
2: As far as working out is concerned, to what extent should I push through pain? Or should I stop the ROM or weight increases when it hurts?
Thank you for your time and attention. This forum and your podcasts have been very helpful to me. I listened to both of the episodes on pain before posting this.