Hi BBM crew
First post! I’d like to thank you for making all of this happen. It’s nice to have doctors who are also serious lifters with lots of knowledge on the subject. I also bought your Low Back Pain template (not for me) and it has been working really well.
I think I strained my right adductor/hamstring while doing heavy squats today. It happened on my first set and I was working up to a heavy 5. As I approached my last rep, I felt a bit of a pull on the way down but I still managed to get the last rep and called it a day. The pain is more medial and proximal and close to where the sitbones are. Movements that would make the pain worse are lunges and split squats. I tried squatting with just my bodyweight but it’s less pain. Theres a slight discomfort when walking up the stairs and it’s a really tight pull when I sit on the floor and straddle my legs. Overall, I would describe the sensation as a dull, tight pain regardless if I stay still or not. So far there’s no bruising so my guess is that it’s just a mild strain.
This is my first time ever dedicating low bar squat since I have been an exclusive high bar squatter with 7 years of training. I’ve been working my LB since October. I had a bucket handle tear in my left knee back in 2015 which I thankfully rehabbed my way out of and hasn’t locked up ever since. After that episode I never felt fully confident in squatting heavy loads with more knee flexion so this is my primary reason for switching to LB. I’m glad I did, until this.
My goal is to surpass my high bar numbers with my low bar. I have no intention of maxing out for this lift since I train at home. My LB number is currently the same as my HB for a set of 5 which is 270lbs but two sets less. It sucks because I was really looking forward to surpassing my HB numbers today. After reading some posts in the forums I’d like to share my gameplan and could you please let me know if it’s okay? I’ve had this strain a long time ago so I’m thinking the theres more chances of this happening again in the future.
Just a sidenote, when I did my very first LB training session, my hamstrings were very very sore. After that, I was fine. Is this a normal thing?
Age 36
Weight-160lbs (from 155)
Current Training Split:
I wave load my primary lifts which has been really working well so far
I do a 4 day split because of time constraints and I also haven’t been progressing well with a full body regimen. 2 weeks ago it was a 5 3 1 rep scheme and light Olympic Lifts were done prior to my main strength work for all days, but I’ve now cut back to 2x/week to save energy. I’m now on 3 2 1, except for squat since I can still keep going. Deadlifts are done for one top set only.
Day 1:
A1) Heavy Bench 3,2,1—3,2,1
B1) Medium Press 3 sets of 6
B2) Chins 3x7-10
Day 2:
A1) LBBS—5,3,1—5,3,1
B1) Power Clean + Jerk 5x1+2 (This used to be first, but I flipped it so I’m fresh for squat)
C1) Nordic Curl eccentrics 3x5 @ 501
Day 3:
A1) Press 3,2,1—3,2,1
B1) CG Bench 3x6
B2) BB Rows 3x8
Day 4:
A1) LBBS—3x6 (10-15% back off from Day 2’s top set of 5)
B1) Power Snatch 5x2
C1) Deadlift 1x3-5
My Gameplan
I’m not going to stop my upper body lifts since I have pressing goals too so Day 1 and Day 3 would still be the same.
I’m going to see how it feels as the days go by. It has already been a few hours since my morning training session and now it just feels tight and dull pain. It doesn’t interfere with my daily activities so I have a good feeling that this is just minor.
So I’m thinking of two ways to go about this. Option 1 is to just modify my squat to an overload movement so my body doesn’t forget what it feels like to have a heavy load on my back. Since I train at home and only have squat stand with safety pins, I might opt to either do Box Squat but higher level, or Quarter Pin Front Squat. I’m not sure if I can do Pin Back Squats because I need to see where the bar lands each time to prevent my squat stands from tipping over. Although I have a feeling this option might be stupid haha. Still want to hear your thoughts though. I have no plans of getting a power rack because of space.
Option 2 would be to forget about intensity but build it back up through volume. I would probably do something like Tempo Squat for 3 sets of 8 for both Day 2 and 4, and just build it back up by adding sets. If I can, I might even squat for all training sessions just to get blood flow going. For this option, it really doesn’t matter if it’s HB, LB, or FS as long as I can squat pain free.
The same will go for my deadlift. If it doesn’t bother the injury site then I won’t change anything, but if it does, I’ll try Block Pulls from mid shin, or just back off in weight.
My plan is to run this for about 4-6 weeks, but this episode definitely has messed with my mind about squats again.
I’ll add these accesories. These are the only ones I can think of. 1. I’ll continue with Nordic Curl eccentrics
2. Light lunges, ie, Bulgarian Split Squats, Front Foot Elevated or Side Lunges
3. If Lunges don’t work, then Step Ups
4. Band or Supine hamstring curls ( I don’t have any other hamstring apparatus)
5. Pancake Good morning (the exercises some olympic lifters use)
6. the Copenhagen adductor exercise (not sure what it’s called, but your working leg is elevated on a bench and in a side plank position)
7. Romanian Deadlift, Seated GM, Landmine Belt Squats.
8. 20min LISS after every session for blood flow Last words:
The weird thing is that on my last warm up set, I felt a crack on my tailbone and the sit bones region. It wasn’t a painful one. It just felt like one of those cracking the knuckles sensation and in fact it felt quite good. However for some reason, something felt off right after that crack. I still did my first set and lo and behold, this happened. Probably just coincidence but I couldn’t help but think that maybe I should’ve followed my instincts and just called it a day after my warm up. I know there’s probably no science behind this but just wanted to share that thought. Anyways, it happened.
Sorry for the long post! Please let me know what you think of my gameplan.