If I’m used to doing 4 day templates would you recommend I do the 4 day ones from low fatigue instead of doing the 3 day ones?
I’m also wanting to continue doing my implements from the Strongman template. How would you recommend working those in within the low fatigue template?
I was thinking maybe doing 3 day low fatigue and adding a 4th Strongman work day.
This is a reasonable way to start, then increasing the workloads depending on how you tolerate it, and where your goals lean. If they lean more powerlifting, you can transition to 4-day LF template. If they lean more strongman, you can stick with 3 day (or potentially drop to 2-day) while adding more strongman days.
Thank you for the input Austin.
Two more questions. Though it is not one of the listed options in Low Fatigue template. could front squats be used as a supplemental squat and more OHP in supplemental bench?