Another which template question

Hey Docs,

I apologize for another which template should I do question which I am sure you get bombarded with all the time.

At the end of fall last year into winter I switched from doing back to back Strongman Template and changed it up to 3 day low fatigue.

I like the 3 day low fatigue and think I’ve made some decent progress on it. However my plan is to go back to the Strongman Template this spring/summer but I am going to squeeze another template in before that gets here.

My thoughts were:

  1. Repeat 3 day low or ramp it up to 3 day medium
  2. I want to increase strength but I am also interested in increasing size. So maybe Powerbuilding 1? (i’d like to stick to the 3 day templates for now)
  3. I have also considered Hypertrophy I

What do you think would be a good choice to go in-between 3 day low and the eventual plan to return to Strongman?

Thank you for all you do.

No worries, that’s what we’re here for.

I don’t think there’s likely to be any difference in your prep for strongman, size, etc. between the options listed here for 1 template. I would defer to your preferences over anything else. If you’re enjoying the low fatigue template, it’s reasonable to keep doing that. If you want a change in exercises, rep schemes, etc., then Hyper I would be reasonable.

Overall, it’s a low stakes decision :slight_smile:
