Low Fatigue Low ISF - 3 Day Set-up

Hello all

I’ve just started to run the Low Fatigue Low ISF 3 day version and would like to check that the way I’ve set it up is appropriate please, as I’ve moved a few things around to suit. Is there anything you would change or think isn’t a good fit?

Day 1:
Pin Squat (due to current tendinopathy issues)
2 Count Paused Deadlifts
Flat Bench (Touch and Go)
Split Squats

Day 2:
Flat Bench (Touch and Go)
Close-Grip Bench
Incline Dumbbell Press

Day 3:
Deadlift Conventional
Tempo Pin Squats (3-0-0)
Flat Bench (Feet Up)
Chest Supported Rows

I’m doing the recommended GPP days with the Rowing machine as my main aerobic cardio tool with some light bicep curls and Ab work (Planks, Ab Wheel).

I’m sticking to the recommended RPE’s and assigned backoff %’s and so far so good. I’m not far enough into it yet to see how my e1RM’s are trending but I definitely feel fresher when I’m training with less overall fatigue.

Thanks, James

Hey James,

This looks good to me. Let us know how it goes for you!


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