Powerbuilding III and Low Fatigue

I’ve been alternating between PBIII and Low Fatigue for quite some time now. I am not tired of them and keep making progress. I make better pressing movement progress on PBIII and Sq/DL on Low Fatigue. Has anyone successfully combined? I am avoiding using the “H” word here. At first blush the days (1-4) and excersice selection don’t appear to line up well for simply doing the upper body from PBIII and lower body from LF. Maybe I just keep alternating and that is ok too. Just thought I’d ask.



Thanks for the post. Glad to hear you’re making progress! I think I might try just swapping the rep, RPE, and % schemes from PB III’s upper body work in for the comparable upper body slots in the Low ISF template. I’d favor that over the exercise selection and such first and see how you respond to the “h-word” approach lol.


Right on good tip thank you! I have a couple weeks to go on my current low fatigue run and then I think I’ll give that a go. Appreciate the advice!!

What is this h-word? It’s bugging me :stuck_out_tongue:

Hybrid. It bugs me too