Low Fatigue Templates - No belted squats?

I notice that the stock exercises for the low fatigue templates do NOT include squat with belt. I also notice the stock recommendation from BBM is to only use a belt where explicitly specified.

That said, the docs seem to suggest this template could and should be used for meet prep. What would be the reasoning for including zero belted squat work if using this to prep for meet?

We stopped labeling exercises as “with” or “without belt” to try and reduce confusion AND give people more agency over when they want to use a belt.

You can use a belt as much as you like on the Low-Fatigue template and we would recommend using the belt on your competition lifts if you typically use a belt during those lifts. You can also do the template and not use a belt at all if you don’t like it, though most people will lift more with a belt.

I have updated the FAQ section in the ebook to reflect this.