Low-starch diet to treat autoimmunity

Hi Jordan!

I hope you’re well.

I’m just wondering if you were able to comment on the research of Prof Ebringer et al on using a low-starch diet to treat autoimmune conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s, UC etc. Citation provided:


It’s potentially interesting, but overall lacking in supporting evidence. In other words, nice theory…where is the data?

A more applicable paper: Relationship between diet and ankylosing spondylitis: A systematic review - PMC

Evidence on a possible relationship between AS and diet is extremely limited and inconclusive due to the majority of included studies being small, single studies with moderate-to-high risk of bias, and insufficient reporting of results.

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Thanks for the link to the review Jordan!

Hopefully better quality research is conducted in future on this topic.
