The satiety index in the Handling Hunger article on the blog answers why I tend to be able to stick to a lower carb diet. The index shows meat way on the right and the PubMed results read “Protein, fibre, and water contents of the test foods correlated positively with SI scores”
On TBAB, at the end of the day, I end up with a surplus of carbs. If I eat all the prescribed carbs I get in a super hungry hyperloop that launches me off to a land of Reeses’ Blizzards and non-compliance.
I’m 44yrs old, 5’9", 205 lbs, 40" waist. For TBAB I was using P250 C200 F54.
So, how low would you go with a carb recommendation for those of us that fall into the TBAB - “more sensitive to carbohydrates, as older folks or more female folks tend to be or if he simply prefers more fats based on his palate”?