I am a 49 year-old male who has been training for many, many years off and on. I started training seriously in 2016 and made great progress until some injuries caught up with me last year. I was also diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s 13 years go which has recently become a real issue. I am also coming off of recent knee surgery, I’m getting brain surgery in November and possibly elbow surgery in a few nonths to clean up some spurs that are causing me significant pain. I have managed to train through all of this until the last several months which has been a nightmare, mentally and physically. I have completed probably 4-5 weeks of training in the last 4 months.
I’m not really sure what constitutes a novice, intermediate or advanced (or if those even exist) my question is would a basic linear progression be something to try once I’m able to start training seriously again? My numbers weren’t terriblly impressive: 501 squat, 515 deadlift and 330 bench last year @ 198. I have never tried a novice linear progression but as my main goal is strength, I’m just curious if it would benefit me to give it a go.
I appreciate everything y’all do!