Macro Math Question


I am a 48 yr old 6’3”/312 lb male 9 weeks into my NLP at an official SS gym. Started researching more about what to eat because while I love the direct interaction with a coach, I don’t want to be a fat slob anymore. I’m estimating that my calories are around 3800-3900 right now because I’ve lost 3 lbs and my waist has dropped from 51” using your measurement method to 48”. For perspective my chest is 52” at the nipple line and my shoulders are 59.75”. Almost all of my fat is above the waist and below the nipples, fairly solid everywhere else.

I have no interest in competing and simply have some ambitious strength goals for my 50th birthday in 18 mos 225 p/315 b/405 s/ 500d for work sets. After the 9 weeks I’m squatting 295 and it’s still moving well, deadlifts are heavy at 345 (having to start using a hook grip instead of double overhand, pressing 140, and benching 230, both presses probably slowing to 2-3 lb increases in another week or two. Still a long way to go… but I really need to get 8-10 inches off my gut.

My question is about “To be a beast” math. I’m going to start adding some conditioning and want to follow the fat loss macros from the article. The data on waist size coupled with my 39 BMI, and family history have me nervous.

Fat loss would have me at 3500-3600 calories 390/312/84 for pro/carb/fat. That seems like a TON of protein. I’d definitely have to supplement (I love your vanilla Rx). I think I read or heard a podcast with you recommending 250g protein or less.
Is this even remotely reasonable? The fluffy novice case study was at 275 and he was a lot younger and smaller than me. Or should I set it to 250 and adjust the carbs for calorie compliance?

Probably too much for a first post, but I want to make these changes and appreciate the content BBM puts out. I would really appreciate your input.


Hey Sean,

Welcome to the forum and kudos to you for making some lifestyle changes :slight_smile: Nice work!

What I would do is figure out your calories using the NIH BW planner: Body Weight Planner - NIDDK

Then I’d set your protein to 1.6 grams per kilogram bodyweight per day.

Then I’d recommend ~35 grams of fiber per day as a minimum target

You can then put your fat and carbohydrate intake where you prefer it.

Hope that helps!



Excellent. Thank you so much. 225-250 g of protein is way more doable with regular food for me.

